Congratulations to JoBeth Johnson, Sophie Burtman, and Bria Smithberg who have been selected to be a part of the Northwest Festival of Music at Minot State University this weekend! Concerts today at 1:30 and 3:30 at Ann Nicole Nelson Hall.

DC volleyball defeats Powers Lake tonight 3-1!

DCE Quarter 1 Report Cards will be sent home with students on Thurs., Nov. 1. DCHS will be mailing report cards this week. Please watch for a Parent Survey that will be enclosed - your input is valued!

The DCE Bank will not be open on Wednesday, October 31. The DCE Bank will be open for business on Tuesday, November 6.

District Volleyball Update - Divide County defeats Burke County 3-0! Maroons next game is Tuesday, October 30 at 5:30 vs. Kenmare. Come cheer on the Maroons!

District Volleyball Update - Divide County defeats Burke County 3-0!
Maroons next game is Tuesday, October 30 at 5:30 vs. Kenmare. Come cheer on the Maroons! (for more results check the athletics tab)

Jr. High Girls' Basketball practice begins November 5 at 3:45 at the elementary school.

District 16 Volleyball at DCHS this week! Come on out and cheer on our Maroons!

Scholastic Book Fair at DCE Library
Tues., Oct. 23 - 8:30 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Wed., Oct. 24 - 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Thurs., Oct. 25 - 8:30 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Fri., Oct. 26 - 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Oct. 29-Nov. 1 - 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

There will not be conferences today, October 22 at DCHS. All conferences (DCE & DCHS) will be Tuesday, October 23 & Thursday, October 25 from 4:00-7:30.

Just a reminder - NO SCHOOL this week on Thursday, Oct. 18 & Friday, Oct. 19. Enjoy the break!

Mark your calendar for Parent-Teacher Conferences! DCHS - October 22 & 25, DCE - October 23 & 25. Conferences are 4-7 p.m. each day or as scheduled.

Check out the 2018-19 DCSD Calendar

Providing all students with the opportunity to learn
and become responsible, productive citizens

Contact Us:
Divide County School District Office
Dr. Sherlock Hirning, Superintendent
106 1st Street NE
PO Box G
Phone: (701) 965-6313
Fax: (701) 965-6004