Kindergarteners growing as readers by reading books from home to the class.
Our class would like to thank Mrs. Hendrickson for teaching use about making good choices about our wants and needs. Junior Achievement rocks!
The Divide County Elementary Geography Bee winner is Isaac Johnson. After winning the school bee, Isaac took an online qualifying test to see if he qualified for the North Dakota State Geographic Bee and we were just notified that he has qualified to participate in the state Bee. The ND State Geo Bee will take place March 29 at Bismarck State College in Bismarck.
Please help us keep our STUDENTS SAFE during drop-off and pick-up times by SLOWING DOWN and following the drop-off and pick-up procedures. Students should use the crosswalks - please do not drop-off students or pick them up from the middle of the road. Thank you!
The 5th and 6th grade students are creating I AM banners. Students were asked to choose one positive word that truthfully describes them. No two students were allowed to use the same word. The banners will be hung in the upstairs hallway to help promote positive mental health. Can you guess which word describes your child?
DCE Families - Please pick up your cookie dough today by 6 p.m. It is located on the elementary playground. You will be missing 1 box - it is the box of prizes that will be given to your student tomorrow. :) Thank you!
Congratulations to Brayden Larson on earning his Yellow Belt in 3rd Grade’s “Kicking It” multiplication program.
The Juniors will be taking the State ACT on Tuesday, March 12 at 7:45AM. Please bring a calculator. This will be at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church.
A big DC thank you to Job service employees coming yesterday to speak to our high school students. The speakers discussed (among other things) the importance of teenagers experiencing summer jobs, as well as what kinds of those jobs are available to students willing to look for them.
The DC JH & HS Choir will be attending Region 9 Vocal Contest @ WSC on Monday, March 11th. Please make sure your child has their parent consent form signed and turned in by tomorrow. Students need to be at the school by 7 am Monday morning. Bus leaves @ 7:30. Wish us luck! I am excited to see how we do!
Lydia Martin constructed an end table during her Ag II shop work time. Lydia did an excellent job in constructing this project.
Cookie Dough Pick-Up - DCE Families can pick up their cookie dough on THURSDAY, MARCH 7 from 3:00-6:00 p.m. at the DCE Playground. Cookie dough cannot be sent home with students. Please make arrangements if you are unable to pick-up on Thursday. Thanks!
We just received word that the cookie dough will not be delivered until Wednesday. Sorry for the second delay. :(
DCE Families - Cookie dough is expected to be delivered late this afternoon. We are expecting notification 1 hour prior to delivery. Please stay tuned for more information!
Grades 4, 5, & 6 basketball begins Monday, March 4. Practice will run after school until 5:30. Girls will practice at DCE (pick up at District Office door) and boys will practice at DCHS (pick up at South door). Let's play ball!
5th grade students are expressing their creativity through their own Geometric Gallery masterpieces.
6th graders are learning about shape - an element of art. There are two types of shapes: geometric and organic. Students are creating a Geometric Gallery using a variety of foam shapes and their creativity.
March is Reading Month at DCE! Reading is our superpower! Check out the calendar for the dress-up days! Friday, March 1 is Class Color Day. K - Red, 1st - Orange, 2nd - Yellow, 3rd - Green, 4th - Blue, 5th - Purple, 6th - Black
We like fruit loop subtraction
DCE Families - Please note the delay in the cookie dough delivery. It is now expected to be here on Monday, March 4. Please watch the APP on Monday for updates.